I've been researching different eating plans and lifestyle changes. If my sister and I are going to tackle this issue once-and-for-all, we need something that can be adopted for life. One of the plans we are considering is Phil Kaplan's "Best You've Ever Been". It is a no B.S. approach to weight loss. I like that he focuses on reving up your metabolism and proper nutrition rather than cutting calories and restricting food intake.
My husband told me about this guy several years ago, and, of course, like any good wife I shrugged him off. "What does my 6' 2" husband know about weight issues?!" I thought to myself. Plenty, actually. But I didn't really want to admit to my husband that he could actually be right. Nevertheless, he bought Phil's book and encouraged me to read it.
Well, my husband deserves a Medal of Honor for having to put up with me. I decided to swallow my pride along with the last chocolate truffle he got me for our anniversary and decided to give Phil's plan a whirl. I am about half-way into the book and so far, I really like what I am reading. He dispells all the diet myths, the "wonder" pills, the "As Seen on TV" exercise equipment, and gets down to the science behind supportive nutrition. He also addresses the mindset of a healthy person. And that is the key that very few, if any, another diets talk about - changing the way you think about food and exercise. This guy might be on to something.
There is an affirmation that Phil writes in his book that I am to read aloud. At first, I thought it was kind of stupid. But after I read it a few times, it actually makes sense. If I am going to change my mind set, I have to start somewhere. Well, here is goes:
Today, I give myself permission to go through a complete and total metamorphasis.
As of this moment, the winner inside of me breaks through.
The person who was here just a moment ago has now been replaced by a stronger willed,
happier person, a person who revels in the knowledge that the power to change lying dormant
has been released.
The future holds no bounds.
Today, I promise to begin a series of actions, each directed at an ongoing betterment, betterment
that will manifest in positive changes in my life and the power to positively impact the lives
of others. I promise today to begin an empowered and wondrous journey towards being
The Best I've Ever Been!
As a father of two beautiful girls that have traveled life's highways of happiness and disappointments I know the pain in which you speak. I also see two women on a quest that has rewards beyond words. I am a positive thinker and believe you are well on your way to happiness and success! Be true to yourselves, stay in the positive and above all when you fall down, stand right back up. All my love, peace and happiness I send to you. Dad
As a father of two beautiful daughters that I have had the pleasure to watch grow from birth until present, I feel the pain and frustrations that life can bring whether founded by our actions or actions of others the results are the same. I am so proud of them both! I believe in positive thinking and I believe my babies will be rewarded in life for their hard work, honesty to their selves and help many others along the way. I love you both so very much. Fathers look back at their children and wonder if they failed them in any way. I have to believe that our hurdles in life help to make us stronger or hinder us from forward growth. May we all rise to the challenges that life brings. God bless you both, you can "always" count on me for anything I can do to help you thru this highway we call life. Dad
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