Thursday, June 18, 2009


It has been over two weeks since my last post. I am proud to say that I am making improvements in my life for the better. I have been active at least 3 times a week (thanks to my sister who is on the ball! GO NAY NAY!!!) If it wasn't for her I would probably be back to my old sedate ways, as much as I hate to admit it. I do have more energy. I feel sexier (which is mostly mental at this point - too soon to see any REAL changes yet). While I feel the draw of the old habits trying to pull me backwards, I am still keeping my focus and not giving up this time.

I have finally developed what I like to call "Sticktoittiveness". Sticktoittiveness is defined as the "ability to engage in a new endeavor long enough to achieve a desired outcome". You won't find this on Wikipedia - I don't think - as it is a word I made up. Although, I think it is Wiki-worthy.

There are 3 levels of sticktoittiveness. Nay Nay has been engaged in Level 1 - the highest level of determination possible. She has been on a mission to get out of the fitness funk she's been in, in exchange for a total health transformation. I am so proud of her. On the other hand, I have been engaging in the lowest form of the stick-to-it attitude, Level 3. I haven't given up, but I am struggling with the initiative to get out and exercise on my own. But, if Nay Nay calls and wants to work out, I won't make an excuse. I go with her.

There are plenty of excuses I could make to stay put. But, I have forced myself to come up with a reason why the excuse won't work. For example:

Excuse: It's too hot.
Solution: Work out indoors.

Excuse: My A/C is broken (this really did happen) and it's 84 degrees in the house.
Solution: Go swimming instead.

Excuse: But I have the baby.
Solution: Put her in a floaty and swim laps with her.

(can you see the argument with myself going on??)

Excuse: But it is lightning outside.
Solution A: Either wait until the storm passes or -
Solution B: Hop in the car and drive to the mall. Walk the mall.

So far I haven't been able to think of an excuse for the mall walking yet.

Excuse: I don't feel like it.
Solution: That's not an excuse.

Level 2 is the point at which you are being consistent with your actions to achieve your goal, but it is based on motivation. It is very easy to slip from Level 2 to Level 3 if you rely on the feeling of motivation to propel you. Nay Nay is a strong Level 1 - sticking to her goals by any means necessary even if she doesn't feel like it.

I did have some setbacks these past two weeks. The main problem was I threw out my back - BAD. I couldn't stand up, walk, or even sit up in bed. Caring for Dani was a monumental task. I was so angry at myself because I knew this would deter me from my goal. Sure enough, I went from working out every day to being laid up in bed for 3 days. Oh, how the determination was extinguished! All because I bent over to pick up a toy the wrong way.

Slowly, I am easing back into low-impact activities. Walking and a lot of time in the pool (which is ideal for summertime). But the wind has definitely been let out of my motivational sails. I am blessed to have a sister who is stronger than I am. I just hope should the time come she needs a push in the right direction, I can be the rock she's been for me.

That is motivation to strive for Level 1 sticktoittiveness in itself.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gathering My Inspiration...(Nay Nay)

This blog has empowered me to talk about my struggles so openly, that I started to have light bulbs come on left and right. I have spoken about some of my issues with others that I trust, however, I feel like I am finally doing something for myself that is life-changing.

Its a funny thing, after I had Lily I decided to truly step out and start doing new things. I walked the Race for the Cure, I went 5 hours early to a book signing to meet one of my inspirations, Kat Von D, and ended up being the first in line in front of thousands!! (Kat is an amazing tattoo artist who is classically trained in piano-she can play all of Beethoven's music with her eyes closed.) I even went to the Lions club to play some B-I-N-G-O and won $250! It seems that when I really want something, it comes to pass.
I remember reading in "The Celestine Prophesy" and other books that positive thoughts and actions reap positive outcomes. In the Bible, "You reap what you sow" As I grow older I am finding out how true this statement really is.

I am excited to be on such a good path right now. I have been eating right (except for a beer or two), working out 4-5 days a week, and attempting not to stick any food in my mouth in the evenings (this is my hardest one!). It is difficult because after 7 is my down time. Michael is in the room playing his computer games and Lily is in bed. So I am left with TV, my art, books, and - eeeeek! - the kitchen. When I feel tempted I just say a little prayer and some positive self-talk, grab my book and high-tail it into my bedroom. Boredom is a horrible thing. Remember the saying "Idle hands are the devils playground"? Ha ha, oh boy...

For exercise, I worked on the rebounder today for 30 minutes to an awesome mix I made using (one day I will own an iPod!) and I am leaving in a bit to go get my hair done. Thank goodness, because my roots are seriously about 3 inches long!! Thank you for taking a minute out of your day to devote to Sissy and I....Much love

Rock on

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sissy: The Plan

Like any well-seasoned traveler, I have learned that going forth on a journey without at least making plans ahead of time can lead to disaster, not to mention a stressful trip. It dawned on me the other day that my approach to establishing healthy eating habits needs to be handled the same way. And by establishing a plan, I don't mean running to the store and buying the latest fad diet book as my road map. Been there, done that, doesn't work. That approach is like trying to use one of those cheesy theme park maps to work your way around Orlando - it may work for your tour around the parks, but once you are back in reality you'll wish you had an actual map that is "drawn to scale".

I've been researching different eating plans and lifestyle changes. If my sister and I are going to tackle this issue once-and-for-all, we need something that can be adopted for life. One of the plans we are considering is Phil Kaplan's "Best You've Ever Been". It is a no B.S. approach to weight loss. I like that he focuses on reving up your metabolism and proper nutrition rather than cutting calories and restricting food intake.

My husband told me about this guy several years ago, and, of course, like any good wife I shrugged him off. "What does my 6' 2" husband know about weight issues?!" I thought to myself. Plenty, actually. But I didn't really want to admit to my husband that he could actually be right. Nevertheless, he bought Phil's book and encouraged me to read it.

Well, my husband deserves a Medal of Honor for having to put up with me. I decided to swallow my pride along with the last chocolate truffle he got me for our anniversary and decided to give Phil's plan a whirl. I am about half-way into the book and so far, I really like what I am reading. He dispells all the diet myths, the "wonder" pills, the "As Seen on TV" exercise equipment, and gets down to the science behind supportive nutrition. He also addresses the mindset of a healthy person. And that is the key that very few, if any, another diets talk about - changing the way you think about food and exercise. This guy might be on to something.

There is an affirmation that Phil writes in his book that I am to read aloud. At first, I thought it was kind of stupid. But after I read it a few times, it actually makes sense. If I am going to change my mind set, I have to start somewhere. Well, here is goes:

Today, I give myself permission to go through a complete and total metamorphasis.
As of this moment, the winner inside of me breaks through.
The person who was here just a moment ago has now been replaced by a stronger willed,
happier person, a person who revels in the knowledge that the power to change lying dormant
has been released.
The future holds no bounds.
Today, I promise to begin a series of actions, each directed at an ongoing betterment, betterment
that will manifest in positive changes in my life and the power to positively impact the lives
of others. I promise today to begin an empowered and wondrous journey towards being
The Best I've Ever Been!